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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Customized view

  Understanding Slice Behavior in Go

In Go, understanding how slices behave when passed to functions is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. This behavior is often a source of confusion for many developers, especially those new to the language. In this article, we'll explore the difference between passing slices by value and by reference, and how it impacts the modification of slices within functions. Introduction In Go, slices are a fundamental data structure used to work with sequences of elements. They are essentiall...


  Clean Code Versus Great Code

I've had some interesting discussions with other developers about writing code recently. I often have the impression that some developers put too much emphasis on clean code. Don't get me wrong, i strive for clean code as well, and have written about its importance quite a lot in the past couple of years. But when i'm coding, clean code is my secondary goal and it could never take the place of my primary goal: making it work. And preferably, i want to make it work great. A lot of people love t...

   Code,Clean,Excellent,High quality,Compar     2011-08-10 03:27:08

  Prototypes and Object Orientation

David Chisnall takes a look at the two dominant paradigms in object-oriented languages (classes and prototypes) and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each.Two terms are quite often confused when describing programming languages:class-based and object-oriented:Simula was the first class-based language. It provided classes (actually implemented using closures) as a means of encapsulating abstract data types.Smalltalk was the first object-oriented language. It provided a...

   Prototype,OOP,Differential,Comparison,Mo     2011-09-02 11:51:26

  Fujitsu CTO: Flash is just a stopgap

Flash is a necessary waystation as we travel to a single in-memory storage architecture. That's the view from a Fujitsu chief technology officer's office. Dr Joseph Reger, CTO at Fujitsu Technology Solutions, is that office-holder, and – according to him – flash is beset with problems that will become unsolvable. He says we are seeing increases in flash density at the expense of our ability to read and write data. Each shrink in process geometry, from 3X to 2X and onto 1X, ...

   Flash,Memory,Bottleneck,Limitation,Futur     2011-08-12 07:31:34

  Using C for a specialized data store

Pixenomics stores and transports 1.2 million pixels from the server to the client. During development we played with various methods to store and process this. Our ultimate goal was to send the entire board in under 1 second. During the stages of prototyping we used a MySQL database without thinking too much about performance. With a mere 2,000 pixels we quickly realised this wasn’t even usable as a demo. Changing the storage engine to memory was much better but still obviously unu...

   C,Data store,Efficiency,Performance     2012-03-07 05:09:38

  On Programming Deadlines

There are a lot of differences between programming, and programming professionally. The most notorious of which, is deadlines.DeadlinesWhen you're writing code for yourself, you can spend as much (or as little time) on it as you please--but when you're writing code for other people, you've got only a limited amount of time and resources to get the job done. In my experience, this typically leads to one of two situations:You've got to extend the deadline to finish the job properly.You've got to w...

   Programming,Deadline,Transparent,Test,TODO     2011-11-01 07:10:21

  10 super useful PHP snippets you probably haven’t seen

When working with PHP, it is very useful to have a “toolbox” of handy functions and code snippets that can save lots of time when needed. Today, I’m going to show you 10 super useful code snippets that you probably never heard of. Text messaging with PHP using the TextMagic API If for some reason, you need to send text messages to your clients cell phones, you should definitely have a look to TextMagic. They provide an easy API which allow you to send SMS to cell...

   PHP,Code,Snippet,Useful code segment     2012-01-19 11:07:16

   Opinion: The Elusive 'Quick Iteration' - Tips for Indie Devs

[In this reprinted #altdevblogaday-opinion piece, WB Games/Kindling Games' Kristen Bornemann offers independent developers advice on iterating and shipping their projects as fast as possible.] From agile and scrum to extreme programming, everyone's trying to nail down what it takes to iterate on products quickly and efficiently. There are a lot of methodologies that you can employ to guide you through shipping products. But today, I'll be talking specifically about video games and how, as a...

   Game,Electronic,Efficient,Development me     2011-08-15 07:41:47

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- rwm-map vs map

OpenLDAP proxy is used to proxy ldap request and response between clients and servers, different servers may have different representations/attributes to mean the same thing. For example, in one LDAP server, the firstName may be represented by firstName, it may be represented by givenName in a different server. However, from the client perspective, it only wants to get the firstName, it doesn't care about the backend attributes. In this case, attribute mapping can help provide a virtual view of ...


  Understanding PGO in GoLang 1.20

Background The Go 1.20 version was officially released in February 2023, it introduced the PGO(Profile Guided Optimization) mechanism. The basic principle of PGO can be divided into the following two steps: First, profiling is performed on the program to collect data about the program's runtime and generate a profiling file. When compiling the program, enable the PGO option, and the compiler will optimize the program's performance based on the content in the .pgo file. When compiling a program...

   GO 1.20,PGO,GOLANG     2023-02-28 04:27:46